
Destiny 2 getting to 270
Destiny 2 getting to 270

To increase your Power level, you'll want to obtain the very best gear you can, including Legendary and Exotic weapon and armor items. Meet Coldheart, one of the best Exotic weapons around. The challenge now is to increase your Power level to right around 270 and beyond, so you can comfortably take part in the Destiny 2 Leviathan Raid. Once you've finished the main campaign of Destiny 2 (which will likely take you around 8-10 hours), you'll find yourself right around Power level 200, and just getting to the endgame content of Destiny 2. The Power level that most people tend to stall at is 265, but we'll be running down methods to help you increase your Power level no matter where you're at, so you cn hit the Destiny 2 Power Level cap in no time. In this Destiny 2 Power level guide, we'll be going over the best methods to enhance your Power level once it reaches a certain point in the endgame.

Destiny 2 getting to 270